United States Study Group of the

Ottawa Philatelic  Society


“Friendship Through Philately”


Members and guests of the OPS are invited to attend and participate in any of the meetings of the United States Study Group.  We follow a simple agenda for each meeting:


1. Show & Tell - Have you located an interesting item you think others    would like to see?  If so, please bring it, tell us about it and pass it around.  No research or formal presentation is expected.  If you think

it is interesting, so will we!

2. Questions & Answers - Do you have a question related to US or related stamps or postal history?  Feel free to ask at the meeting - or preferably email your questions to the study group a week ahead to permit other members time to research or locate examples.

3. Business (if there is any) and Announcements.

4. Our Program Topic discussion for the evening.


2024 - 2025 Meeting Dates & Programme


October 17, 2024Collecting Modern U.S.A.

                                    Lead by:  David Giles


November 21, 2024The 1939 U.S. National TB Christmas Seals – A                                                  Philatelic Approach.

                                        Lead by:  Dick Logan


January 16, 2025My Favourite Airmail Stamp

                                   Lead by:  John Tooth         


March 6, 2025U.S. Carriers and Locals – A Challenging Field of Study

                               Lead by:  Dick Logan         


April 10, 2025An Introduction to Fancy Cancels (1850-1880)

                             Lead by:  Ron Tidrow and Michele Casey


May 22, 2024To Be Announced