MINIEX 2017 was held at the RA Centre
on Thursday, February 23, 2017
in the Canada Room.

Here is a list of the exhibitors- there were 12 of them:
Rick Baxter, RA Club, Vancouver Winter Olympics
Gord Cook, RA Club, Corals
Denis Ducharme, OPS, Commemorating the Penny Black and Rowland Hill
Richard Logan, OPS, Errors and Oddities in Israel Stamps
Chris Anstead, from out of town - Elphin, The Frontenac Colonization Road: A Postal History
Robert Benoit, OPS, French Colonies and Dependencies
John Bryant, OPS, Canadian Pacific Afloat
Tom Hare, OPS, House of Parliament 12 cent definitive
Jazur Noorbhai, OPS, Varieties are the Spice of Stamp Collecting
Roger Cook, RA Club, Flaw in the British Makin Booklet Stamps
Michael Payne, OPS, Greetings from the Ex
Andy Palochik, OPS, UN Postal Administration at Expo 67.
Exhibit Awards go to:
Grand Prize: Andy Palochik, "UN Postal Administration at Expo 67"
People's Choice: Chris Anstead, "The Frontenac Colonization Road: A Postal History”
BNA: Tom Hare, "House of Parliament 12 cent Definitive"
Other: Richard Logan, "Errors and Oddities in Israel Stamps"
Topical: Rick Baxter, "Vancouver Winter Olympics"
Postal History: Andy Palochik, "UN Postal Administration at Expo 67"
New Exhibitor: not awarded
World: no entries
Provided by Deborah Welch, Exhibit Coordinator

Auction Results
31 Sellers - OPS = 17
382 lots offered for sale
121 or 32% sold
No bidder dominated the sales
Total sales $900.50
MINIEX Commission 135.08
Average selling price $7.44
Highest price paid $45.00 x 3
60% of sales were $5.00 or under - same
77% of sales were $10.00 or under - down
OPS Youth Group 1.70
Provided by Hank van der Linde

Guillaume Vadeboncoeur
Provided through Chris Green Stamps
Canada Post Prizes
Jim Phillips, Stamp Services
Brian Watson, President, RA Stamp Club
John Tooth, President, Ottawa Philatelic Society
Yvan Hardy, President, Amicale des philatelists de l’Outaouais
Miniex Volunteers
Facilities, Equipment and Refreshments
Amy Roberts, Steven Mulvey, Rick Baxter
Michael Peach and Jill Hare –Judges, and Deborah Welch and Rick Baxter – Exhibit Coordinators
Wayne Perrin, Hank van der Linde, Caroline Phillips, Denis Durcharme, Helen Gale, John Noordhof,
Peter Noel, Ian Smillie, Henri Leonard
Tom Toomey and Kari Toomey
Kari Toomey
General Assistants
Michael Powell and Richard Logan
More photos in the Photo section in the members area