The OPS Library has just been renamed the Richard Logan OPS Library in honor of his long time membership and support for OPS. The Library’s role though has not changed – it provides members with resources that support the development of their collections, the preparation of presentations and exhibits, the sale of stamps, and the pursuit of philatelic research. 


The Library has been developed over a long period of time and presently holds some 500 titles. The Library expands annually using funds authorized at each OPS Annual General Meeting and now, in addition, has access to a Library fund account based on member donations.


Each of the PDF files is keyword searchable using the following:

Press Control Key + f; in the search box on the right key in your search word(s) (eg. Switzerland, or Admirals Canada); hit enter; and the search will highlight the first word(s) found; and then click the up or down arrows in the search box to search for more matched words.


Following, please find downloadable files in PDF format that have alphabetical listings for the Library holdings:

OPS-Library-List-by-TITLE-30DEC19 WEB Ed
Adobe Acrobat Document 276.1 KB
OPS-Library-List-by-AUTHOR-30DEC19 WEB E
Adobe Acrobat Document 275.7 KB
OPS-Library-List-by-TOPIC-30DEC19 WEB Ed
Adobe Acrobat Document 277.6 KB
OPS-Library-List-by-COUNTRY-30DEC19 WEB
Adobe Acrobat Document 277.8 KB


Currently there are three locations for the Library’s holdings:

  1. The cart has a philatelic catalogues only
  2. The shelving beside the cart contains titles which are most requested
  3. The shelving in the storage area with least requested material 

There is assistance if you are looking for a title and unable to find.

Contact Judy Lipsey, Caroline Phillips, Dave Madeley or John Tooth.


During the 2019 summer executive meeting numerous issues related to the Library were discussed. It was determined that the best approach would be to create a Library Committee to address the concerns. John Tooth, immediate past resident, will chair this newly formed Committee along with volunteer members David Madeley, Judy Lipsey and Caroline Phillips.

(terms of reference)


  1. Operate the OPS Library, including shelf reading, loans, weeding, review of donations, sales of discarded items, physical processing of items, etc.
  2. Load to the OPS website the current Excel Spreadsheet database of library holdings to provide basic access through alphabetical author, title, topic and country lists; update the spreadsheet on a regular basis
  3. Determine if an excel spreadsheet can be searched
  4. Research to determine if there are free simple automated catalogues and public access which could be mounted on the OPS website
  5. Identify book and other titles to be acquired by the OPS
  6. Work toward the development of single library location as opposed to the current two sites at the Hintonburg Community Centre
  7. Promote use of the Library to OPS members, and
  8. Library Committee meets as required.

Committee Members

John Tooth (chair), Judy Lipsey, Caroline Phillips, Dave Madeley